Category: litigation
Sequenom’s More Specific Claims Survive
Monday | March 23, 2020By Shane Skwarek§ 101court rulingdiagnostic methodlitigationpatent draftingpatent eligibilitySequenomtips for inventorsThe U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit took another look at Sequenom's techniques for detecting fetal blood cells in a maternal blood sample. In Illumina Inc. & Sequenom, Inc. v. Ariosa Diagnostics, Inc., No. 2019-1419, 2020 U.S. App.…
Read MoreAlternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) for intellectual property in 2019
Wednesday | October 23, 2019By Shane Skwarekdispute resolution strategylitigationSuccess of your intellectual property (IP) portfolio includes determining the proper dispute resolution strategy for your business. While often necessary and sometimes the best option for a particular case, litigation can be breathtakingly expensive and full of risk. Planning ahead…
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